The Mistress and the Mouse: Honeymoon Blues Page 4
“Likewise.” Yet Dan’s stare remained on the submissive so beautifully swaddled in leather and chains. The ring gag placed behind his teeth held his mouth painfully open. Wantonly, Dan nodded at Bennie.
“ Dan how the Maiden works.”
“My pleasure,” Robert said forcefully.
With a hearty slap to Dan’s shoulder, Bryant said, “I’ll see you in a little bit. We have dinner around ten.”
Dan watched Bryant hurry away and turned to Robert. “So...uhhh, this is your brother?”
“Half-brother,” Robert growled. “Right now he’s just a pain in my fucking ass.” Robert grabbed the ring on the posture collar and jerked Bennie forward. “He was supposed to fuck my wife this morning, but he couldn’t get it up for her. If he doesn’t get with it soon, I’m going to sell his worthless ass.”
Without hesitation, Robert threw the egregious slave toward the Maiden. Breathlessly, Dan watched as the slave was turned and an electrode was attached to the ring on the phallus inserted in the rectum. More electrodes were attached to the earlobes, one to the ring in the slave’s mouth, holding it open. Two to the nipples and then another to knee hobbles. Quickly, the door was closed.
Through an opening in the door, the genitalia was retrieved and pulled through the hole. A hand crank closed tightly on the swelled balls and limp penis.
Robert seemed to relax a little and smiled at Dan. “Jerry is something else,” he said admiringly. “I don’t know why he wastes his time at Abernathy Acquisitions. If you ask me, his calling was the dungeon and somehow he got side-tracked.”
Robert reached forward and threw a switch. The entire piece began to glow like a television screen. It seemed the solid surface melted away to leave the faint outline of the occupant slowly clearing. Robert picked up the crop and thrust forward at the face.
Dan heard the buzz of the electricity course through the apparatus. But that was only a murmur to the dry, hollow scream of the penitent.
“Fascinating,” Dan heaved. Quickly, he stepped back to let Robert have at it.
How long Dan stood and watched utterly enamored as the various body parts lit up with electrical sensations he couldn’t know. The penis and testicles had received their punishment directly and sported Dan’s favorite shade of red. The sound of the electricity and the screams was almost more than he could bear. Almost more than he had stomach to withstand since he wasn’t inflicting this pleasure himself.
“What do you think?”
Of the holographic image on the screen, Dan declared, “That’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” The slave’s entire body pulsed in every color of the spectrum, representing the intensity of the punishment to that body part.
“Yeah, I think so,” Robert offered.
“So, his punishment over?”
Robert smiled. “Of course not. And it’s not that he doesn’t want to do my wife. I think my wife is getting bored with him.”
“So you’re really going to sell him?” Dan asked.
“Soon, I think. She’s been begging me to bring Brian home and she doesn’t want to believe that nobody screws with the Grand Dragon’s submissives, collar or not.”
Dan stood back a bit, letting the implication of that statement hover on the exterior of his psyche. “How much does a commodity like that go for?”
“Probably ten,” Robert offered. “I have put an awful lot of time into him. But don’t think this is unusual. We trade off all the time. I’ll use that ten thousand to buy something else.” He laughed.
“I see.”
“But I think I saw you come in with Brian and Jerry, didn’t I?”
“Yeah. Brian and I have been seeing each other for awhile now.”
Robert nodded. “Brian’s a good man. Been sorely missed around here. I’m glad he’s back. And if I recall, he likes to start in Water Sports.”
“I didn’t know.”
“Want a demonstration?”
Together they walked back through the various rooms and Dan would have been content to sit and watch the proceedings in any one of them. Brian had finally made an advance halfway to the bar when Robert snapped his fingers. Brian glanced at his cousin and swelled to see the features of Dan’s face knotted with a sternness he hadn’t noted before. Only a moment separated him from his cousin and his Master.
“Your man wants a demonstration of the purging bench,” Robert said under his breath.
Brian’s eyes widened with lust. Quite quickly, he was bound to the bench. With eager amusement, he watched in the mirror as Robert instructed Dan.
“This is an anal catheter with retention ring. Lube his ass and then slide it in.”
Dan throbbed at the feel of the grease and held the device in his hand. A deflated rubber ball at each end of a tube fascinated him. Gently, he inserted it into Brian’s rectum.
“Now just blow it up like a blood pressure cuff.”
Dan took the inflator in hand and began to pump. The ball on the outside inflated as did the one on the inside. “I see,” he whispered.
Robert leaned closer. “He’s trapped now. Brian can retain about three quarts before he gets sick. But this little device won’t let the fluid out until you allow it. This hose goes through the tube and makes an airtight seal.”
An evil twist of a grin darkened Dan’s features. He forced the hose through the tube in the retention bladders feeling as if he was violating Brian with that simple act.
“That’s it,” Robert offered. “Turn this dial to however much you want him to have.”
But because he loved Brian, he set it to two and a half and then turned it on.
So horribly enamored, he listened to the rush of warmed fluid through the plumbing. He drew closer to hear Brian’s soft cooing. He stepped away to study the distention of Brian’s abdomen.
“How long?” Dan asked Robert.
“A few minutes. You have time enough to get a drink, if you’d like. Or better yet, I’ll go get a drink.”
Dan nodded and smiled. This place was nothing less than Candyland. He leaned over Brian and tenderly kissed Brian’s ear. “Are you in pain?”
“Yes, My Lord,” Brian gasped. His stomach muscles were stretched to their limit.
“You know how desperately I enjoy your pain,” Dan whispered.
Brian nodded. He resolved not to cry out as he listened to the tortured sobbing and pleading of others in this same predicament on other benches.
“Please, take some more for me,” Dan pleaded.
“No, no more, please...I’m begging you,” Brian gasped.
Just then Brian felt the hose lurch in his rectum with the rush of fluid. Another gush forced into his body. The pain was unbearable, yet he raised his head to see Dan in the mirror watching intently. Dan’s hand slid over the taut flesh of his ass and then grasped his balls and squeezed down.
When finally Brian began to sob as the others were, the release valve was opened to let Brian breathe. Dan had never seen anything so beautiful, the body before him trapped in the most humiliating of stances, the most forced submission he could think of at the moment. He would have to put one of these in his own dungeon...soon.
But he released Brian and Brian suggested something else. From there, they went together toward the Roman bath.
Dan drank down the scent of the chlorinated water before he arrived. The closer he got, the thicker the air became with humidity. The soft sound of male voices in quiet conversation was accentuated by jets forcing air into the water. As he turned the corner, huge potted tropical plants, lush and rich in color to soak up the steam, were utilized as dividers between the sunken tubs twenty feet in circumference.
They no sooner entered than Brian sheered away from Dan’s handhold. Eagerly, Brian stepped into the water and curled there, only his head above the surface of the three-foot depth. Brian’s destination was toward a single occupant as if a magnetic connection drew him there. The smile on Jerry
’s face was undeniable.
Dan watched in horror from the edge and stiffened to the sight before him. Jerry’s arms extended to enclose Brian in his grip as Brian’s head laid serenely against Jerry's chest. The intimacy between them was overwhelming. Dan suddenly felt weakened, suddenly felt forced to watch this for some reason.
Jerry’s cheek rubbed over the top of Brian’s head with uninhibited affection. But it was Brian who broke the connection as he turned his head toward Jerry’s throat to suckle there. Slowly, Jerry’s gaze rounded the room and settled on Dan as does a heavy blanket of fog on a cold autumn night. Jerry continued to hold Dan’s gaze as if to force him to watch, compel him to understand even as Jerry backed out of the water to perch on the edge of the tub. Brian’s face slid down Jerry’s torso and Brian’s mouth locked around Jerry’s cock.
An internal rumbling of something disastrous about to happen assaulted Dan’s body. Even as he was held by Jerry’s immense power, locked to Jerry’s vision by a beam of dark light, he noted the muscles in Brian’s jaw working wantonly. Brian’s cheeks caved to the insistence of hunger that seemed to boil within him.
Jerry’s stare was as penetrating to Dan’s psyche as his cock was to Brian’s mouth. The admonition, ‘Nobody fucks with the Grand Dragon’s submissives,’ returned with vengeance. Weakened to the point of crumbling to the floor with that idea, Dan folded his arms over his chest and backed away a little. Debilitated he fell to a bench and closed his eyes.
Inside, Jerry smiled, having made his point. Play with my boy all you like, but don’t ever let yourself believe you’ll possess him.
Jerry turned his attention to his submissive. Ruggedly, his fingers stroked through Brian’s hair and grasped his skull. He forced Brian’s head down, his cock deep in Brian’s throat, ready to be swallowed. He came with such force, such undiluted passion, and Brian remained wantonly to drink him down. Even after the reverberations of orgasm relented their hold on Jerry’s body, Brian continued to cradle Jerry’s penis deep in his mouth.
Still clutched to Brian, Jerry slid back into the water to once again hold to him. Brian’s kisses were profuse on his Master’s neck, his Master’s face. Once again, Jerry caught Dan’s patent stare and saw the hurt there. Yet Jerry only turned his face toward Brian’s to lavish kisses equally genuine.
Tenderly, Jerry rolled Brian’s head to whisper, “Your buddy is waiting for you.”
“Oh, shit,” Brian mewed. “I forgot. Damn.” Affectionately, he rolled his face to Jerry’s shoulder. “But let me ask you something. If you’re gonna get with it tonight, would you do me?”
A deep, amused laughter rumbled out of Jerry’s chest. “Robert asked me to do Bennie tonight right after dinner. I think you’d better spend some time with Dan.”
Brian nodded, surely disappointed. But he left a few lingering kisses on Jerry’s throat and then finally backed away.
Dan sat crumpled on the bench as he watched Brian move through the water without ruffling it. He sat spellbound as Brian neared the edge and rose to his full height like a god of the deep, the water falling in sheets away from his body as if he were too pure to be sullied by anything for too long. Every muscle in Brian’s leg tightened as Brian stepped to the edge of the tub and merely lifted his weight out of it with such control, with such grace, Dan could have wept.
Dan peered up to see Brian standing over him offering his hand. Debilitated, Dan took it. Yet he glanced at Jerry one last time, Jerry’s features as stern and commanding as a war-wizened emperor. Tentatively, he allowed himself to be led to the penitent’s room.
It was empty now save for Brian and himself.
“I expect you have a need to punish me,” Brian offered.
The very word stroked something inside Dan impossible to control.
* * * *
After a lavish buffet of delicately roasted beef, hickory smoked ham, delectable egg dishes and decadent desserts, Robert Abernathy moved to the center of the room and bowed to one knee before Jerry. Every spectator fell painfully quiet as the slave’s leash was handed over to the Grand Dragon. The slave dutifully followed the Disciplinarian to Flagellation on his hands and knees.
Best they could, the crowd hovered near the edges of the room. Others watched on closed-circuit TV from other rooms.
Jerry peered down at the errant slave and made a decision. Brian had wanted to be involved, and Brian would be. He snapped his fingers at Brian and Brian flew toward him and fell to his knees.
“Get rid of that shit,” Jerry ordered of the restraints on Bennie.
Quickly, Brian worked to relieve his cousin of the horrible, restraining chains and straps on his body. When Bennie was finally naked, he too, knelt before Jerry. But Jerry only turned toward the cabinet where the supplies were kept.
Another thought crossed Jerry’s mind and he nodded at Bryant. Without hesitation Bryant moved forward and took a measure of toys from Jerry. In unison, they worked displaying their talents as dungeon Masters and brothers, as warriors in the day-to-day world of business.
The submissives were told to stand back to back and bend at the hips. A hinged phallus coated in chemicals was forced into them both. Again they rose, standing shoulder blade to shoulder blade while their Masters lashed them together from neck to knee. Paddle gags, stainless steel plates, were inserted into their mouths to not only hold their mouths open but their tongues down and out of the way, should their Masters decide they needed something orally. A double hood was placed over their heads and closed under their chins. More straps were placed under their arms and then their arms were lashed to their bodies.
Inside, Brian trembled to the feel of this restraint. He felt the chains attached and heard the electronic mechanism lift him off the floor. Blinded as he was, he couldn’t know how far. But it didn’t matter. To feel his body so full and attached to another, his arms solidly at his sides and his mouth very available, how far he dangled didn’t matter.
Shackles were then placed around their legs and a two foot pipe between them was installed. And then he felt something he’d never experienced before. His balls were stuffed into a device and closed around them. And then something of case-hardened steel divided them, forcing them painfully into the tightened skin. A steel clamp was tightened around the base of his penis, not only keeping it hard but maintaining the angle the Master wanted. Currently, it was held perpendicular to his body.
Brian felt the same contraption being placed on Bennie. And then hands between their legs ratcheted the devices together. Brian understood then that if either of them lurched during this session, they would cause the other immeasurable pain.
Dan watched in horror to see Brian strung up like that to another. He refused to participate even as a swell of applause rose up to deafen him. Brian was hanging, every muscle in his body totally turned on to receive whatever Jerry and Bryant intended for him. Inside, Dan wept to see the gorgeous organs waiting to be whipped.
The chemicals on the phalluses began to burn. Before the first crack of the whip, Bennie began to writhe and Brian screamed out. The pain at his balls was unbearable. The crowd merely watched, the twin subs dangling three feet off the floor, already in agony. Slaves hovered on their knees while Masters stood reveling in the vocalizations of intense pain.
Jerry laughed a little and then nodded at Bryant. As if they inhabited each other’s bodies, their whips made contact at the same precise moment. For the next strike, Jerry hesitated for that half-beat syncopation he so loved, something that reminded him of a mambo. In no time at all, he and Bryant had their submissives winding in circles.
Unable to see, twisting, Brian’s stomach began to lurch. But gratefully, the beating stopped for a moment and they began to untwist in another direction.
Filled with awe, he wondered how he could have stayed away for so long.
How many took their fill of his battered organ he couldn’t know. Each mouth that enclosed it, bit down again. Finally, they were dropped to the floor and released
. But neither of them could get up for awhile.
* * * *
The evening went so quickly, Brian’s breath still raced to catch up. Perched behind the steering wheel, he said, “It’s been a long time.”
“Yeah, it has,” Jerry said fondly. “It was never the same without you, though.”
“I’ve missed you, too, Dad. More than I can say.”
He pulled off the main road onto the township road. The gates had to be opened at the keypad because his car didn’t yet have a remote.
“I like Dan. He looked like a kid in a candy store,” Jerry said. But now he knew that whatever fantasies Dan harbored about Brian were burst like soap bubbles this evening. But Brian still didn’t understand that the dynamics of that relationship had changed dramatically already. That relationship was over now. Jerry sat quietly, content that he was able to share Brian with Morgan.
“He’s been denying the fact that he’s gay all of his life.”
“Ouch. Until he met you and now he can’t deny it.”
“Pretty much. Married. Feeling guilty.”
“No doubt. If I know Zero, he won’t appreciate this at all. But Dan enjoyed himself tonight.”
“I think so.” Brian parked the car and got out. “But I spoke to Robert before we left and gave him Dan’s number. He said he’ll host Dan while we’re in Italy.”
“Very thoughtful, Brian.” And now Dan could find something to keep him entertained... permanently.
“Thanks for a nice evening.”
“I expect Cherry’s wrapped around Morgan. Would you like to sleep with me?” Jerry asked.
“Yeah...I would.”
Together they walked up the grand staircase and opened Jerry’s door. The soft bluish haze of recessed lighting shadowed the room. But the bed wasn’t empty. Alex lay on his side, the softly scented sheet pulled to his waist leaving his torso naked, his thin breasts silently rising and falling.
Curiously, Brian turned to Jerry.
“I think you’re stuck with the women tonight,” Jerry whispered.
For another moment, Brian studied him. There was much much more he didn’t know. He had enough experience now to not need to know. “Sleep well,” Brian said softly. Quietly, he closed the door behind him.